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Publicity is a double-edge sword

We imagine that the funeral directors at the heart of the Casketeers reality TV series have benefitted financially from the publicity. It’s a great sales platform.

The downside is that the attention and awareness means people are watching, and take notice of everything.

So there was plenty of news coverage this week about a financial dispute with one of the staff who had been on screen. It also meant that when journalists scratched further, they discovered that the same staff member was at the centre of complaints about mistreatment of bodies. In short, families paid for special caskets to use in mausoleums, but the bodies were just placed in plastic bags.

Although the staff member is no longer with the business, the publicity is surely in the realm of dissuading potential customers.

The key factor is the extent of publicity. In short, the higher you fly, the further you fall.  In contrast, occasional short-lived media stories and chatter about your business is helpful, and there is far less scrutiny.



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